Boyd & Olson Photoblog

Monday, March 12, 2012

Getting Creative

      Getting the creative juices flowing is a must for me. I have always enjoyed creating art in some shape or form. All through high school I found my love for sketching a kind of way to escape from whatever stresses a young high school student may have ;) Also sketching is practically free and that's about what I could afford! haha.

     When I was able to spend money I bought canvas and tried my hand in oil painting. I am not saying it's the most awful work I have ever done but it wasn't really my niche.

I painted this for my bedroom :)

So that was my first and last canvas painting :)

      Once I started my adventure into photography I realized that it too was like a blank canvas and was so much fun learning how to fill it! Each image can be a piece of art work. Editing is really where you put the stamp on your work and how you set your self apart from everyone else. I think it is extremely important to know your camera and how to use it first off though (but I won't go into that) This is about how I have grown with my art and how I plan to keep growing!
I thought it would be fun to share a picture from my VERY first paying shoot. It was at a client's home with window light and a small strobe a borrowed from a friend.

       To be honest I am still happy with the actual shot...there was little to no editing done here but her eyes are in focus and that's my main goal...always. This was shot in August of 2009.

      Fast forward three and half years later and now I know a little more about shooting and a lot more about editing. I say a little more about shooting b/c this is a HUGE area of learning. I think any other photographer in this world would agree that you can never max out your knowledge of photography. Especially since cameras are like iPhone and continually upgrading and getting better. (I do not own an iPhone...if I had the money for one I would purchase a new lens)!

Soo that being said here is a more recent image...still using a small light (softbox) and natural window light. 

improvement much? :)

I love seeing the images come to life after here is the "before" of this one just for fun

Outside of photography, yet still very much A part of the photography business, I really enjoy graphic design. And when I say I have a lot to learn-I mean I have A LOT to learn there. However it's still another super fun creative outlet. I use it a lot for our business in creating marketing materials such at the business cards and price menus.

business card front

business card back
pricing menus

then just today made this little marketing package for a friend's Etsy store

I hope you find time to embrace your inner artist and create something unique whenever you can!

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