Boyd & Olson Photoblog

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Not a press release

I will not have all of the facts to go along with these images. However I was hired on as the press photographer for this event and I will be sending all of my digital filed to Murphy Oil USA. This is a tee tiny fraction of the amount of images I got from today. I just wanted to share-this was a huge deal for me. My first corporate event and I was privileged to meet Congressman Chuck Fleischmann and his wife Brenda. Also I got to meet Council woman Carol Berz and the President of Murphy Oil USA Tom McKinlay. This was a ribbon cutting event where Murphy Oil along with Eaton Corporation introduced the first electric vehicle charging station. My husband was hired on to work security so it was a very cool experience to say the least!

I have to share that right as they were about to cut the ribbon I had to say "wait!" and replace my camera battery...Rookie! :)~

So here are a few images from this morning...

President of Murphy Oil USA Tom McKinlay

Congressman Chuck Fleischmann


  1. Great job! I hope this gig opens up doors and more opportunities for you. Wonder where Olson was..perhaps enjoying complimentary soft drinks?

  2. Thank you guys! It was a really cool experience-I was bossing those delegates around...JUST KIDDING! HA! and Alex well he was just standing around looking sexy ;) He is actually is MOST of my shots.
